Allen Lew Memorial

Celebrating Allen Lew’s contribution to his community.

The Problem

Allen Lew was a pillar to his community, a family man & an inspiration to many. The Allen Lew Memorial Committee wanted an interactive website that displayed his amazing life and have the ability to record tributes from his loved ones. The Committee also needed to have multiple versions of the website made for different dates leading up to his memorial celebration.

The Solution

Orion Web productions made a blueprint of all the modules the website would include and created separate layouts for each version the Committee needed. Each layout was then developed with custom integrations to ensure all modules functioned properly and topped off with an extra round of QA testing to ensure each version of the site was ready to go live the day of.

Services Provided

UX Design
Web Development

 “A Visionary And a Doer"

Vincent Gray
Former Mayor of Washington D.C

Getting The Look

We started off by creating a wireframe for each version of the website where we laid out the sections and the approved content. The layout was structured for easy navigation throughout the site to create a friendly user experience for his loved ones.

The wireframe was then transformed to a high fidelity prototype where we introduced the brand guideline that included their color scheme and font selections. We topped it off with user testing to remove any friction from the user flow and adjust any final changes.

The Buidling Blocks

Once the final look was established we began building the framework using Webflow and filled it in with the content and design to match the prototype. The navigation flow was then tested to optimize the users experience moving throughout the website.

We the began building the backend by adding custom integrations to let users record their tributes & R.S.V.P to the event. The website was then finalized by making it responsive across all screen sizes and testing the functionality throughout the whole site.

Final Touches

Once all versions of the website were built and ready to go we coordinated with The Allen Lew Memorial Committee to establish the date and time each version would go live and conducted another round of QA testing to ensure every last pixel was up to code.

We then updated the website versions one by one and once the final version was live we kept up in touch with the committee to make sure everything was running smoothly. We then thanked them for the amazing opportunity to be a part of such an amazing piece of history.

View The Final Result

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